
Please follow the instructions in Workshop Materials to download the files.

It is essential you have R and RStudio installed, and please bring your own laptop for the workshop.

Install R (>= 4.3.0)

Install RStudio

Please make sure all packages are installed prior to the workshop.

Install/update BiocManager to version 3.18.

BiocManager::install(version = "3.18") 

Then install the packages.


And these packages:

install.packages(c("elsa", "Rtsne", "umap", "alphahull", "plotly", "survminer", 
                   "survival", "vroom", "rmarkdown", "knitr"))

If asked to update all/some/none packages, please answer with a.

If asked to install the compilation packages, please answer with Yes.

Note: If you don’t want to change your current library, it’s better to create a new R project and use the package renv ( to install the packages for this workshop.

Please email if you have any issue installing the packages.